Today is my birthday, I am still in the shelter, for the past 7 years I have not had a loving home

by Hanze Filo

Lucie woke with a peculiar feeling in her chest. It wasn’t hunger, nor the usual pre-walk excitement. It was a mix of hope and dread, a familiar knot that tightened on her birthday every year. Today was the seventh anniversary of her arrival at the shelter. Seven long years of endless barks, wagging tails, and hopeful eyes, all fading into the backdrop of kennel life.

She was a big girl, a gentle giant with soulful brown eyes. Over the years, countless people had walked past her kennel, their eyes lingering for a moment before moving on. Some would scratch behind her ears, some would coo softly, but none had ever stayed.

Today, however, was different. Lucie felt it in her bones. A spark of something ignited within her, a tiny flame of hope that refused to be extinguished. Maybe, just maybe, today would be the day. She paced her kennel, her tail thumping against the metal bars, her heart pounding in her chest.

The shelter doors swung open, and a wave of noise and movement washed over the kennels. Lucie strained her ears, her whole body tense with anticipation. Voices, footsteps, and the occasional jingling of keys filled the air. Her heart raced as a family of three approached her kennel. A little girl, no older than five, pressed her face against the bars, her eyes wide with wonder.

Lucie wagged her tail so hard it was a blur. She sat, rolled over, and begged, all in rapid succession. The little girl giggled, her parents smiling warmly. Hope surged through Lucie like a tidal wave. Could this be it? Could this be the day she finally found her forever home?

Time seemed to slow as the family discussed something amongst themselves. Lucie’s heart pounded in her ears. Please, please let it be yes.

Then, it happened. The little girl’s eyes filled with tears. “Can we take her home, Mommy? Please?”

Lucie’s world exploded with joy. As the adoption papers were being filled out, she leaned against the kennel door, her tail thumping rhythmically. Today was the best birthday ever. As she stepped out of the shelter and into the warm sunlight with her new family, she knew that her seven-year wait had finally paid off.

The car ride home was a blur of excitement. Lucie’s new life was beginning, and as she gazed out the window at the world passing by, she realized that sometimes, the best things in life are worth waiting for.

And so, on her seventh birthday, Lucie, the long-time shelter resident, finally found her happily ever after.

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