Today is my birthday, I am a poor dog, wishing to receive love from everyone.

by Admin

**Jan’s Birthday Wish**

I am Jan, a little dog with big, brown eyes and a coat that’s a mix of grays and whites, though it’s hard to tell with all the dust and dirt that clings to me. I am 3 years old today, but there’s no one to celebrate with me. You see, I don’t have a home or any friends. I spend my days wandering the streets, searching for scraps of food that people have thrown away.

Today, like every day, I woke up on a cold patch of pavement, my belly rumbling with hunger. I sniffed the air, hoping to catch a scent of something tasty, but all I could smell was the smoke from the nearby factories and the stale odor of garbage. My paws are sore from walking on the rough ground, but I keep moving because if I stop, the sadness might overwhelm me.

As I wander through the alleyways, I watch other dogs playing with their owners in the park. They have bright collars and shiny coats, and they look so happy. I wonder what it feels like to have someone who cares about you, someone who would give you a warm bed to sleep in and a full bowl of food every day. I lower my head and keep walking, my heart heavy with loneliness.

I find a half-eaten sandwich near a bench and quickly gobble it up. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. As I eat, I try to remember the last time I had a proper meal. I can’t recall—everything seems like a blur when you’re constantly hungry.

Today is my birthday, but no one knows. There’s no cake, no special treats, no one to pat my head and tell me I’m a good dog. I sit down under a tree and close my eyes, pretending that I’m not alone, that I’m surrounded by people who love me.

I imagine a warm home with a soft bed just for me. In my dream, there’s a kind person who fills my bowl with food every morning and scratches behind my ears until I fall asleep. I dream of having a name that someone calls with affection, not just “stray” or “mutt.”

But when I open my eyes, the reality is still the same—I’m just Jan, a lonely dog with no one to call my own. The day passes slowly, and as the sun begins to set, I find a quiet corner to curl up in for the night. The stars start to twinkle above, and I wonder if maybe, somewhere out there, someone is wishing for a dog just like me.

Maybe, just maybe, tomorrow will be different. Maybe tomorrow, I won’t have to search for food or sleep on the cold ground. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll find someone who will celebrate my birthday with me, someone who will make me feel loved and wanted.

But for now, I close my eyes and hold onto that small hope, because sometimes, hope is all you have.

Happy birthday to me, Jan, the dog who still dreams of a better tomorrow.

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