Today is my birthday but my parents abandoned me, is it because I’m ugly?

by Hanze Filo

Honey is a poor abandoned puppy. From the moment he opened his eyes, he was marked by a physical peculiarity – a cleft palate that gave his face a unique, almost grotesque appearance. His mother, a stray struggling to survive, had looked at him with a mixture of love and fear. In the harsh world of the streets, abnormalities were often a death sentence.

Today, his first birthday, should have been a celebration of life. Instead, it was a day of abandonment. His mother, unable to provide for him, had made the heartbreaking decision to leave him in a cardboard box, a tiny, vulnerable creature in a cold, indifferent world.

The world outside was a cacophony of sounds, a whirlwind of activity that overwhelmed his senses. He was a misfit, a creature of oddity. People looked at him with a mixture of pity and disgust, their eyes filled with a discomfort that cut deeper than any physical pain.

As the day wore on, a sense of despair washed over him. He blamed himself for his appearance, believing it was his fault that his mother had left him. He was a shadow, a creature existing on the fringes of human life.

As night fell, he curled into a ball, his tiny body trembling from cold and hunger. In the darkness, he dreamt of a world where he was normal, where he was loved. But when he woke, reality was a harsh slap in the face. His first birthday, a day that should have been filled with joy, was instead a day of sorrow and self-blame.

He was a survivor, a fighter, but the weight of his self-doubt was heavy on his small shoulders. Yet, in the depths of his puppy heart, there was a flicker of hope, a tiny flame that refused to be extinguished. Perhaps, one day, someone would see beyond his physical appearance and discover the loving heart that beat within.

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