Today is my birthday but I am alone

by Hanze Filo

Pom was a small, fluffy dog with a heart as big as the world. He’d spent his short life in a warm home, loved and cared for by a kind family. But today, his first birthday, was a stark contrast to the joyous celebrations he’d imagined.

He was alone, shivering in a cardboard box, the once familiar scent of home replaced by the cold, indifferent smell of the city. The world outside was a blur of noise and movement, a stark contrast to the quiet comfort he’d known. The once soft bed was now a cold, hard ground.

Pom whimpered, his tiny body trembling. He missed the warmth of a lap, the scratch behind the ears, and the comforting rumble of a familiar voice. The world seemed harsh and unforgiving, a far cry from the gentle hands that had once cradled him.

As the day wore on, hunger gnawed at his small belly. The once playful puppy was now a creature consumed by survival. He watched as people walked by, their lives seemingly complete, unaware of the tiny, shivering being at their feet.

The sun began its descent, casting long, ominous shadows. Fear crept into Pom’s heart. The world was a scary place, full of loud noises and indifferent eyes. As night fell, he curled up in the box, his small body trembling. He was alone, scared, and hungry. Today, his birthday, was a stark reminder of the cruel reality of abandonment.

Tomorrow was a new day, and with it, a fresh start. Or so he hoped. For now, he was just a small, lost puppy, clinging to the hope of a better tomorrow.

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