Today is my 5th birthday and also the day my adoptive parents welcomed me home after 5 years living in an orphanage, I cried because I was so emotional

by Hanze Filo

Juli woke with a thumping tail and a heart full of sunshine. Today was special. She could feel it in the crisp morning air and the way the other dogs seemed quieter than usual. It was her birthday, her fifth birthday! Five years of life, most of which had been spent in the comforting, if sometimes lonely, confines of the shelter.

The shelter was her world. She knew every nook and cranny, every scent, and every sound. But today was different. There was a buzz of excitement, a sprinkle of hope in the air. Volunteers were extra kind, their voices softer as they passed her kennel.

Then, it happened. A woman with kind eyes and a warm smile appeared at her kennel. Her heart pounded. This was it, the day she’d dreamed of for so long. The woman knelt, her hand outstretched. Juli licked it tentatively, her tail thumping harder. This was it. She was going home.

The car ride was a whirlwind of smells and sights. Everything was new and exciting. Then, there was the house. It was bigger than the shelter, filled with strange but comforting scents. And there were people. The woman, who Juli learned was called Sarah, and a man with a deep, rumbling laugh. They were kind, their voices soft and gentle.

As the day wore on, Juli explored her new home. There was a soft bed to sleep in, delicious food, and endless cuddles. It was everything she had ever dreamed of and more. As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows through the house, Juli curled up at Sarah’s feet, her heart full of gratitude.

Five years ago, she was a scared puppy, alone and lost. Today, she was Juli, a beloved member of a loving family. Her birthday had turned into the most wonderful day of her life.

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