The young elephant sees his rescuer as a maternal figure and shadows her throughout the day

by Hanze Filo

The bond between mother and child transcends species, a truth beautifully exemplified by Roxy Danckwerst and Moyo, a rescued baby elephant. Roxy, a dedicated wildlife rehabilitator, has dedicated her life to protecting animals in need, and her latest charge has become her unlikely companion.

A chance encounter and the rescue of an abandoned baby elephant

For two decades, Roxy has been a beacon of hope for injured and orphaned animals. Her unwavering commitment extends beyond the confines of a traditional shelter. She champions the cause of wildlife threatened by habitat loss and exploitation, ensuring their well-being. It was this unwavering dedication that led her to Moyo.

Moyo, which translates to “of the heart,” aptly describes the emotional impact his arrival has had on Roxy’s life. Abandoned on the shores of Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe, Moyo, a mere few days old and weighing a paltry 123 pounds, was separated from his family during a perilous attempt to cross a flooded river. Thankfully, Roxy’s sanctuary, Wild is Life in Harare, became his new haven.

The baby elephant gradually recovered under the devoted care of his adoptive mother

Moyo’s arrival wasn’t without its challenges. He was frightened and malnourished, the trauma of his ordeal weighing heavily on him. Roxy, however, proved to be a pillar of strength and compassion. She not only provided him with essential care but also offered him the comfort and security he craved. Their nights were spent together, Roxy by his side, building a bond of trust that transcended species.

Moyo’s response to Roxy’s unwavering care was heartwarming. He blossomed under her love, his fear replaced by a childlike curiosity and affection. They became inseparable, Moyo shadowing Roxy wherever she went, even finding a comfortable spot to snuggle beside her on the couch. Their playful interactions and deep connection captivated the world, a testament to the powerful bond that can form between humans and animals.

A Future Filled with Hope: Facing the Inevitable

Roxy’s primary objective has always been to rehabilitate rescued animals and release them back into the wild, where they belong. While the prospect of parting with Moyo fills her heart with a bittersweet ache, Roxy recognizes the significance of his reintegration into a herd. Their time together may be finite, but the love they share will transcend any physical separation. Moyo’s story serves as a potent reminder of the transformative power of compassion and the profound connection that can blossom between creatures, big and small. It celebrates Roxy’s dedication to wildlife conservation and serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring us to be stewards of the natural world.

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