The couple rescues the kitten from the sewer and a magical bond is formed afterward

by Hanze Filo

Unexpected Encounter on a Routine Run

On a sunny June day in 2024, Lauren Moldenhauer, a 21-year-old woman, and her husband Drew, 23, were out for their regular run in their hometown in Utah. As they covered the sixth mile of their route, Lauren noticed something unusual on the side of the road – a tiny kitten sitting in the gutter, struggling to breathe.

At first, Lauren thought the kitten might be dead, but then she saw its little belly moving rapidly, indicating it was still alive. Without hesitation, the couple rushed to the kitten’s aid, scooping him up and bringing him to safety.

“He was extremely overheated and breathing super fast, so we took him home and got him some milk and wet food,” Lauren recounted to Newsweek. Despite the fact that the rescue effort left them “filthy,” the couple’s primary concern was ensuring the kitten’s wellbeing.

An Instant Bond with the Resident Cat

The Moldenhauers were not planning to add a new furry family member to their household, which already included their 10-month-old orange tabby cat, Oscar. However, as soon as they introduced the rescued kitten to Oscar, the two cats formed an immediate bond.

“We weren’t planning on getting a second cat anytime soon, but when we saw how great he got along with our 10-month orange tabby Oscar, we knew he was ours whether we wanted him or not,” Lauren said.

Experts often caution that introducing a new kitten to an older cat can be a delicate process, requiring a gradual introduction to allow the resident feline to adjust. However, in this case, the kitten and Oscar seemed to hit it off instantly, playing, cuddling, and grooming each other.

“The way you’re absolutely covered in filth is how I know you were committed to catching the kitten,” one TikTok viewer commented, recognizing the lengths the couple went to in order to save the kitten.

Welcoming the Newest Family Member

After the rescue, the Moldenhauers took the kitten to the vet for a check-up. To their delight, the vet confirmed that the kitten, whom they named Maverick, was healthy. The veterinarian had even seen the couple’s viral TikTok video documenting the rescue.

“We named him Maverick,” Lauren said, “and we are happy to claim him as the newest member of the family.”

The TikTok video, which has amassed over 15 million views in just two days, has struck a chord with viewers, many of whom celebrated the couple’s act of kindness and the instant bond between Maverick and Oscar.

“Now your cat has his own kitten. It’s a win-win,” one commenter joked, while another noted, “Looks like your cat really needed that kitten, too.”

A Heartwarming Rescue and a Serendipitous Adoption

The Moldenhauers’ chance encounter with the struggling kitten on their routine run turned into a heartwarming rescue story. What could have been a stressful and uncertain situation quickly transformed into a joyful addition to their family, as the new kitten seamlessly integrated with their existing pet.

This tale serves as a reminder that even the most unexpected moments can lead to beautiful, life-changing experiences. The Moldenhauers’ willingness to go the extra mile to save the kitten, and the kitten’s instant acceptance into their home, exemplify the power of compassion and the special bond that can form between humans and their feline companions.

As the couple and their two cats embark on their new life together, the story of Maverick’s rescue has touched the hearts of millions, inspiring others to open their homes and their hearts to animals in need.

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