Mother dog and puppy abandoned on the street find hope through kindness

by Hanze Filo

A pet should be a cherished member of the family, loved and cared for throughout its life. Sadly, not everyone sees it that way. For reasons unknown, some heartless owners choose to abandon their dogs on the street, as if they never belonged to them.

Abandoned dogs find rescue and comfort

This is exactly what happened to this beautiful mother dog and her three puppies. One day, they found themselves abandoned on a deserted road, with no one and nothing to help them. The poor mother was desperate to keep her pups alive, but without food or proper shelter, their days seemed numbered.

Fortunately, a local animal rescuer discovered the family, huddled in a single cardboard box on a scorching hot day. The puppies were far too young to be out in such conditions, exhausted and desperate for help. The kind-hearted rescuer immediately gathered the whole family and brought them to the shelter.

The rescuer named the mother “Gina” and quickly realized how intelligent and affectionate she was, enjoying the love and attention after her harrowing ordeal. The puppies wasted no time making friends with the other dogs and eagerly devouring the food they were finally given.

Abandoned Pups Fight Illness, Find Love After Loss

But the hardships were not over. That same night, the puppies fell ill, vomiting frequently. Rushed to the vet, they were diagnosed with a critical case of inflammatory bowel disease. Sadly, two of the puppies, Loy and Pinky, were unable to recover and passed away peacefully in the rescuer’s arms.

The lone surviving puppy, Aisi, fought for her life. She received a blood transfusion and was constantly monitored by the vet, with her rescuer refusing to leave her side. Thankfully, Aisi’s condition slowly improved, and she was soon out of danger.

With a happy ending in sight, Gina the mother dog found her forever home with a loving family who would never abandon her again. And Aisi, the surviving puppy, went to live with her devoted rescuer, surrounded by furry friends in a loving home. Hopefully, the dark days of their past are now long forgotten, and they know only happiness and love.

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