Mother dog and her 14 abandoned puppies learn to trust again

by Hanze Filo

Gaining the trust of a dog with no previous human interaction is never an easy task. It requires dedication, patience, and an abundance of love. The rescuers at Hope For Life Rescue in Virginia were more than ready to take on that challenge.

The Rescue of Lovebug and Her Puppies

When a local shelter asked Hope For Life Rescue to take in a frightened mother dog named Lovebug and her fourteen newborn puppies, the rescue team immediately agreed to help. Lovebug had been found wandering the streets and was extremely distrustful of humans.

The staff at Hope For Life Rescue welcomed the canine family with open arms, determined to shower them with love and earn their trust. At first, Lovebug would not let the rescuers touch her or her puppies. She became overwhelmed with fear whenever the staff approached them. “I remember walking in the room and seeing her cowered in the corner over top of her two-day old babies. She was so scared. Shaking and not letting us get too close to her or the babies,” one of the rescuers recounted.

The rescuers’ hearts broke at the sight, but they were resolved to provide the best possible care for the dog and her puppies. They set up a private room at the Hope Center for Lovebug and her litter. Caring for fourteen tiny puppies was a daunting task for the malnourished mother, so the rescuers ensured she had nutritious meals, with volunteer Miss Susie cooking chicken for Lovebug every day.

Earning Lovebug’s Trust

A couple of days later, Lovebug allowed the staff to touch her puppies and weigh them to determine which needed supplemental care. She was starting to trust her rescuers, but still did not permit them to pet her. The kind-hearted people refused to give up, continuing to work with her and giving her all the time she needed.

The staff and volunteers engaged in socialization sessions with Lovebug, hand-feeding her, spending time talking to her, and lying on the floor beside her. They were deeply moved by Lovebug’s exceptional care for her puppies, who quickly thrived, eagerly nursing from their mother. The rescuers relished playing with the puppies and getting to know their individual personalities.

After some time, Lovebug realized she was safe and loved, finally allowing her rescuers to stroke her fur. Once the puppies reached adoption age, they all found their forever homes, enabling Lovebug to focus on her own well-being. Her rescuers knew she needed an abundance of time and love to heal, showering her with countless kisses and wishing they could take away all her fears.

Finding Her Happily Ever After

Shortly after her puppies were adopted, Lovebug began to gain weight, and the volunteers continued visiting her to socialize. They often read books to her as part of her rehabilitation. To further build her trust in humans, Lovebug was placed in a loving foster home, where she bonded with her foster dog siblings and her new family, who showed her tremendous kindness and affection.

The sweet pup started to smile, her eyes shining brightly as she enjoyed cuddling with her foster parents and soaking in their love. Lovebug was now ready to find her own happily ever after. When she met her forever family, she immediately stole their hearts, and they changed her name to Ruby.

Ruby now lives her best life in Virginia, beloved by her adoring parents. She loves going camping with her family and playing with her furry siblings, Beamer and Charlotte. Lovebug’s journey from a fearful, distrustful stray to a cherished companion is a testament to the power of compassion, patience, and unconditional love.

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