Miranda Lambert Mourns the Deaths of Two Beloved Rescue Dogs

by Hanze Filo

The ‘Mama’s Broken Heart’ singer revealed that two of her rescue dogs, Delta Dawn and Louise, died in the past six weeks.

Miranda Lambert heartbrokenly says goodbye to her two furry companions

Miranda Lambert shared the heartbreaking news that she had to say goodbye to two of her rescue dogs: Delta Dawn, a Chihuahua and pug mix, and Louise, a Great Pyrenees. In a two-part Instagram post, the 40-year-old country singer shared, “In the last 6 weeks, two of the best and most loyal friends I have ever had have left this earth.”

“I’m so heartbroken to have lost them,” she shared in her post. “To love this big you have to hurt just as big, [and] they are worth it.”

In the first Instagram post, Lambert shared that she first found Delta Dawn abandoned “at a Sonic in Oklahoma in the spring of 2009” and had her for “about 16 years” before the canine died this year on April 22. Lambert revealed that when she first met the pup, Delta Dawn “was homeless and hungry but still full of personality.”

“Little did I know when I was trying to just get a cherry limeade, I would meet one of the most amazing dogs I would ever know,” the musician shared in her post. “She was on almost every tour I’ve ever been on [and] I’m honored to have met her and learned so much from her.”

Country star mourns Delta Dawn and Louise, shares the dogs’ rescue stories in touching tributes

In her second Instagram post, Lambert confirmed that they said “goodbye to the fluffiest most protective gal pal I could ever ask for,” her dog Louise, on June 7, after eight years with the pet.

One social media, Lambert recalled rescuing Louise and her sister Thelma in 2016. “The first day I ever brought them to the farm in TN, they were right at home,” she wrote. “I have mini horses, chickens and goats and I needed them for protection for the critters. And boy did they do the job.”

Lambert posted an emotional tribute to Thelma when the dog died in July 2023. “She spent her days lounging in the barn and her nights keeping watch over all of us,” she shared. “She lived the last 8 years with no fences, just freedom to do what she did best. Love and protect. I loved her with all my heart.”

In her recent Instagram posts about Delta Dawn and Louise, Lambert thanked the Animalia Health & Wellness Center “for making us feel as peaceful as we could sending them over the rainbow bridge and for taking care of all our puppets over the years.”

Lambert, an “advocate for rescue [animals],” urged people to “consider [adopting] a rescue or fostering or volunteering.”

“They will change your life for the better. You never know what blessing is waiting there for you,” she added.

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