If given a choice, I would not choose to be a dog, because…..

by Admin

**The Lonely Old Dog’s Wish**

If given a choice, I would not choose to be a dog. My name is Rusty, and I am an old, homeless dog. My life has been one of solitude, without love, without family, and without anything to call my own.

I remember when I was just a young pup, full of energy and hope. Back then, I had a family. They were kind and took care of me. I had a warm bed, plenty of food, and a yard to play in. But as time went on, things changed. My family moved away, and I was left behind, forgotten and alone.

Since then, I’ve wandered the streets, searching for scraps of food and a safe place to rest. The days are long and the nights are cold. Each passing year, my body grows weaker, and the loneliness becomes harder to bear. I’ve seen many seasons come and go, but none have brought the happiness I once knew.

People pass by me every day, but few notice my tired eyes and graying fur. I am invisible to them, just another stray dog on the streets. Sometimes, kind souls offer me a bit of food or a gentle pat, but these moments are fleeting and rare. Most of the time, I am left to fend for myself.

As I lie under a broken bench in the park, I can’t help but dream of a different life. If I had a choice, I wouldn’t choose to be a dog, not like this. The pain of being homeless and unloved is too much to bear. I dream of a world where I am cared for, where I have a family who loves me and a place to call home.

But dreams are just dreams, and reality is harsh. I have learned to survive, but survival is not living. It’s a constant struggle, and as the years have gone by, I’ve grown tired of fighting.

If I could make a wish, it would be for a life filled with love and warmth, a life where I am not just a stray, but someone’s beloved pet. I wish for a family who would see me, not just as an old dog, but as a loyal friend who still has so much love to give.

But for now, I remain Rusty, the lonely old dog, wandering the streets with a heart full of unfulfilled wishes. As the stars come out and the world grows quiet, I close my eyes and imagine a better life, holding onto the hope that one day, my wish might come true.

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