I was abandoned since I was a child, for 2 years I haven’t even had a full meal. This second birthday, I just wish I would have a complete family.

by Hanze Filo

Kun didn’t know his exact age, but he was certain it was around two years. Two years of hunger, cold, and the relentless search for survival. Abandoned as a tiny pup, he’d grown up on the harsh streets, his innocence eroded by the cruel realities of life. Today, his second birthday, was a bitter irony.

He remembered the warmth of something soft, the comforting rhythm of a heartbeat. But those memories were mere echoes, distant and fading. Now, his world was a concrete jungle, a place of indifference and neglect. Hunger was his constant companion, a gnawing emptiness that never truly subsided.

As the day wore on, Kun wandered the streets, his small body a fragile silhouette against the urban landscape. People hurried past, their eyes fixed on their own worlds. He was invisible, a shadow in their bustling lives. He longed for a touch of kindness, a warm meal, a safe place to sleep. But the city offered little in the way of compassion.

As the sun began its descent, casting long, mournful shadows, Kun found a sheltered spot beneath a discarded cardboard box. The city’s cacophony faded, replaced by the quietude of the night. He curled up, his small body trembling. It was his birthday, a day marked by loneliness and despair. There were no presents, no birthday songs, no loving pats. Just the harsh reality of his existence.

He dreamed of a home, a warm bed, and the unconditional love of a family. But when he woke, the cold, unforgiving world would be waiting. His second birthday was a stark reminder of the life he’d been dealt, a life devoid of joy, love, and security.

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