I have been in this shelter for 9 years. Today is my birthday and I am still waiting for some guardian angel to come and take me home.

by Hanze Filo

Lucie didn’t know her exact age, but the shelter records said nine years. Nine years of endless barking, the smell of disinfectant, and the cold kiss of kennel bars. Today was her birthday, a day marked by nothing but the ticking of the shelter clock and the distant howl of her canine companions.

She was once a puppy, full of life and hope. But those days were a distant memory, blurred by the harsh reality of shelter life. Her once bright eyes were now dull, reflecting the despair that had seeped into her soul. She had learned to quiet her spirit, to become invisible in the cacophony of the shelter.

The day passed slowly, each hour a heavy weight on her heart. People came and went, their eyes scanning the rows of kennels, but none stopped at hers. She watched them with a mixture of hope and resignation. Perhaps today would be different, she thought, a foolish flicker of optimism in the face of countless disappointments.

As the day drew to a close, the shelter fell into a quietude broken only by the occasional whine or whimper. Lucie curled up in her kennel, her tail tucked between her legs. The world outside was a blur of lights and shadows, a stark contrast to the darkness within her. She was alone, forgotten, a ghost in a world that moved on without her.

Tomorrow would be another day, another chance for a new beginning. But as she drifted off to sleep, her heart was heavy with doubt. Would she ever know the warmth of a home, the love of a family? Or was she destined to spend the rest of her life behind these cold, unforgiving bars?

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