Family Discovers Unexpected Cat Colony When Moving into New Farm Property

by Hanze Filo

When a family recently purchased a neglected farm, the previous owners had only mentioned that there were “some” cats living in the barn. However, what the new owners found was far more than they anticipated.

The family discovered a group of cats on the new farm

Kennedy, người dùng có tên Reddit là kolliflower, đã chia sẻ trong một bài đăng rằng gia đình đã mua lại trang trại tàn phá và đang nỗ lực khôi phục lại nó. Kennedy mơ ước biến trang trại thành nơi nghỉ dưỡng miễn phí cho những người đang đối mặt với chứng rối loạn căng thẳng sau chấn thương (PTSD).

But during the cleanup process, the family discovered not just “some” cats, but rather four mother cats, each with their own litter. In total, there were 14 kittens, all born in apple baskets and boxes on the property. The mother cats have been cooperating to care for each other’s offspring.

The family adopted the cats until they had their forever homes

As Kennedy explained, “We ended up with this many cats purely by circumstance, and will do everything we can to reduce the population of orange kitties from growing even more.” The plan is to get all the mother cats and kittens spayed/neutered, and provide a safe space for them on the farm until the kittens are old enough to be adopted out to their forever homes.

Kennedy herself plans to adopt one of the kittens and name her Mango. The rest of the kittens already have potential adopters lined up. Meanwhile, the aunt envisions turning the farm into a “cat library” where the mother cats can live, and visitors can come to interact and cuddle with them.

The Reddit post detailing this unexpected cat colony discovery has gone viral, garnering over 31,000 upvotes. Commenters have expressed amazement and delight at the sheer number of adorable “creamsicle” kittens, as well as excitement about the owners’ plans to care for the felines and turn the farm into a PTSD retreat.

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