Caring Woman Rescues Puppies Trapped in Plastic Container Near Her Workplace

by Hanze Filo

In a heartbreaking incident, a kind-hearted woman stumbled upon a disturbing sight outside her workplace – a plastic container that appeared to be moving. Upon closer inspection, she discovered 11 small puppies trapped inside.

Amanda Hood Saves 11 Abandoned Puppies

Amanda Hood, the woman who made the shocking discovery, initially thought the container might just be a donation. However, as she got closer, she noticed a small hole drilled into the box and saw steam rising from inside. To her horror, she realized there were live puppies confined in the container.

“They were probably only there for an hour or so. Because with those two tiny holes for ventilation, I don’t think they would’ve made it for much longer,” Hood told The Dodo.

Calhoun Humane Society and Forever Home Dog Rescue Step Up to Save Abandoned Pups

Deeply distressed by the puppies’ plight, Hood immediately took action to save them. She transported the container to the Calhoun Humane Society, where the puppies, estimated to be around 5 weeks old, received veterinary care and were assessed to be in good health.

The Humane Society, however, was already operating at full capacity and unable to provide long-term care for the rescued litter. To give the puppies a better chance at finding permanent homes, they were transferred to Forever Home Dog Rescue in Illinois, where they were placed in foster care.

“They eat, sleep and like to be held. They’re the sweetest babies,” Hood said, relieved that the puppies were now in a safe environment.

While the future of these abandoned puppies may have seemed uncertain at first, the quick thinking and compassion of Amanda Hood ensured their rescue and the opportunity for them to find loving forever homes. Her actions serve as a heartwarming reminder that there are still caring individuals willing to go the extra mile to save animals in need.

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