Adventurous Cat Makes Narrow Escape from Car Crusher

by Hanze Filo

Lilly the cat hiding in the engine was rescued from the crusher

A curious cat was saved from a scary end at a North Carolina junkyard. A junkyard employee found the feline hiding inside a vehicle’s engine moments before the car was set to be sent into one of the facility’s car crushers. Before sending the vehicle into the car crusher, the employee decided to pull out the car’s battery, and when he popped the hood, a little cat jumped out into his arms.

“She looked at him with soft eyes, thanking him with slow blinks and soft purrs,” Brother Wolf Animal Rescue noted in a social media post. “It was almost like she knew that her life had been saved.”

The employee kept the cat “bundled up inside” his jacket for the rest of his shift. After completing his work, the employee contacted Brother Wolf Animal Rescue for help looking after the feline and finding her family.

Cat rescued from car crusher reunited with owner

A man eventually reached out to the junkyard and told them he was searching for his cat named Lilly, known for her “adventurous spirit.” The man explained that his cat had an attachment to motor vehicles and enjoyed riding in the car and on motorcycles. He even noted that the feline had her own helmet for ride-alongs.

Brother Wolf Animal Rescue offered to get Lilly “vaccinated, microchipped, and spayed at no cost” before sending her home, to which the owner agreed. The pet parent and feline reunited after the procedures were complete.

“The relief and happiness was so clear on both of their faces,” the organization said of the touching moment. “She melted into his arms as his eyes filled with tears of joy.”

“Lilly’s dad could not be more grateful for all the love, care, and medical attention she received at Brother Wolf,” the rescue shared. “It’s only thanks to caring people like you that we could help Lilly find her way back home.”

The organization ended its post by thanking people for supporting animals “no matter the wild rides they take to find their way,” adding, “Together, we save lives!”

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