Abandoned puppies and kittens become inseparable couples

by Hanze Filo

A shelter puppy and kitten, who were both born as the runts of their respective litters, have found love and acceptance in each other’s company.

Statistically speaking, puppies and kittens have the best chance of being adopted, with around 95% of puppies and 81.9% of kittens listed on Petfinder eventually finding new homes. However, the situation is a bit more complicated for Possum the puppy and Kangaroo the kitten.

Possum and Kangaroo were both born as the smallest and weakest members of their litters. Possum was around a third the size of her siblings when found, while Kangaroo is part of a litter of seven kittens whose mother gave birth in a stray cat colony’s garage.

As runts, both Possum and Kangaroo were “rejected by their moms” according to their foster carer, Emilie Rackovan. However, the two have found solace and companionship in each other.

“Neither wanted to be alone and they would cry and cry, so I tried putting them together,” Rackovan explained. “They immediately became inseparable.”

Rackovan, who works for the Best Friends Animal Society, noted that caring for runts requires extra attention and supportive care, as they often have weaker immune systems and are more prone to congenital defects.

But Possum and Kangaroo’s bond has helped them thrive, with Rackovan reporting that “both of their health have improved and they were able to be reunited with their moms and siblings.”

While Rackovan hopes the pair will eventually be adopted together, she also hopes their story inspires others to see “how amazing animals are” and the special connections they can form, even across species.

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