A week of tireless efforts to rescue stray cats in South Bermondsey

by Hanze Filo

On Saturday, volunteers from CatCuddles embarked on a grueling and intense six-day rescue operation that culminated in a successful outcome, just as hopes were dwindling.

CatCuddles launches an emergency rescue of cats

It began with an urgent call received late last Sunday. A member of the public had spotted five very young kittens and their mother on the steep, overgrown bank bordering the South Bermondsey train station. This area, used as a dumping ground, was littered with debris and hidden hazards, yet the vulnerable kittens were in full view of passersby from the station and nearby Millwall football stadium.

Volunteers rushed to the scene and were granted access to the treacherous area via a pizza restaurant whose backyard bordered the bank. While the kittens were easily approachable, the wary mother cat proved more difficult to catch. Recognizing the importance of rescuing the mother before removing the kittens, the team spent hours over the following days trying to lure her into specialized traps, enduring freezing weather and torrential rain.

Mother cat reunited with rescued kittens

As more kittens were gradually rescued, the team faced a heartbreaking dilemma on the fifth day – leave the remaining, visibly ill kitten behind, or risk the mother abandoning the area altogether. After exhausting all options to catch the mother, they left with heavy hearts, only to return early the next morning, short on sleep but determined.

After a long, grueling day, the moment of triumph finally arrived – the trap had caught the elusive mother cat. Ecstatic, the team rushed her to be reunited with her kittens, who would now receive the care and treatment they desperately needed.

The rescue mission was not over, however. Plans are being made to return to the area and trap the suspected father cat, as well as any other at-risk strays spotted, to ensure the welfare of the entire feline community. But for now, the volunteers are taking a well-deserved rest after a week of relentless, life-saving efforts.

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