Today is my birthday but no one remembers it and wishes me happy birthday

by Hanze Filo

Funi was a bundle of joy, a perpetual motion machine of wagging tail and eager eyes. He loved everyone in his family – the warmth of his human mother, the roughhouse play with his human brother, and the gentle pats from his elderly grandmother. Today was his birthday, a day he had anticipated with boundless enthusiasm.

The morning began with the usual routine. Funi woke his family with enthusiastic licks and playful nips. But there were no excited greetings, no happy birthday songs, no special treats. The day unfolded as any other, filled with the mundane rhythms of family life.

As the day wore on, Funi’s excitement turned to confusion, then to a growing sense of disappointment. He watched as his family went about their day, oblivious to the special occasion. There were no decorations, no party hats, no extra walks in the park. His favorite toy lay forgotten in a corner, a silent witness to his unfulfilled expectations.

Funi tried to attract attention, to remind them of the special day. He barked, he jumped, he brought his favorite ball to their feet. But his efforts were met with indifference. It was as if he were invisible, a silent observer in the bustling world of his family.

As the day drew to a close, a deep sadness settled over Funi. He curled up in his favorite spot, his tail no longer wagging. The house was filled with the usual evening sounds, but they held no comfort for him. He felt abandoned, forgotten, and unloved.

For the first time in his life, Funi cried. Silent tears rolled down his furry cheeks, a silent plea for recognition. He had always been the center of attention, the beloved family pet. But today, he was just another member of the household, overlooked and forgotten.

As he drifted off to sleep, Funi clung to the hope that tomorrow would be different. That his family would remember, would apologize, and would make up for this forgotten birthday. But deep down, he knew that hope was a fragile thing, easily shattered by the indifference of those he loved.

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