Happy birthday to me, I know I’m not beautiful, but I still want to receive wishes

by Admin

Title: **A Birthday Wish for a Not-So-Beautiful Pup**

Happy birthday to me. I know I’m not beautiful, but I still want to receive wishes. My name is Shadow, a scruffy little puppy with patches of fur missing and a crooked tail. My reflection might not be as pretty as the other puppies, but deep inside, I dream of love and happiness.

Today marks another year since I was born, yet I find myself alone in this big, bustling city. The other puppies often get picked first, their shiny coats and bright eyes winning over people’s hearts. I watch from the shadows, hoping someone might see beyond my appearance and notice the love I have to give.

This morning, I woke up in my usual spot under an old wooden bench at the park. The sun peeked through the leaves, casting a warm glow on my fur. I stretched and shook off the night’s chill, my stomach rumbling with hunger. Despite everything, I couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit excited. It’s my birthday, after all.

As the day went on, people walked by, some glancing at me with pity, others not noticing me at all. I tried to make myself seen, wagging my tail and giving my best puppy eyes, but no one stopped. I sighed and lay back down, feeling the weight of loneliness.

Just as I was about to give up, a group of children came running into the park. They were laughing and playing, their joy infectious. One of the children, a girl with pigtails and a bright smile, noticed me. She broke away from the group and approached me slowly.

“Hi there,” she said, her voice soft and kind. “What’s your name?”

I perked up and gave a small wag of my tail. The girl crouched down and patted my head gently. “You look like you could use a friend,” she said. I nuzzled her hand, grateful for the attention.

She turned to her friends and called out, “Hey, guys! Come meet Shadow! It’s his birthday today!”

The other children gathered around, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I was surrounded by warmth and laughter. They petted me and sang a little birthday song, their voices bright and cheerful. My heart swelled with happiness, and I felt a tear escape my eye.

One of the children pulled out a small treat from their bag and offered it to me. I took it eagerly, savoring the taste and the feeling of being cared for. The girl with pigtails smiled and said, “Happy birthday, Shadow. You’re special, just the way you are.”

In that moment, I realized that beauty isn’t just about how you look. It’s about the kindness and love you share with others. Today, I received the best birthday wishes I could have ever hoped for. Surrounded by new friends who saw me for who I am, not just how I look, I felt truly beautiful.

Happy birthday to me. I’m not perfect, but today, I learned that I am enough. And that is the greatest gift of all.

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