Heartbreaking to see a cat living in the garage looking for a loving home

by Hanze Filo

Tawny’s Perilous Plight

Two-year-old Tawny was living on a council estate in Belvedere when CatCuddles first heard about her. She was being fed by some local people who were concerned about her skinny frame. Often sleeping in an abandoned garage, Tawny wandered an area where vehicles were regularly coming and going, putting her at risk of being run over.

Like many unneutered female strays, Tawny struggled not only to feed herself on the streets but also her kittens. Thankfully, her single surviving kitten, Navi, was rescued by the charity and has since been happily adopted.

Tawny’s Remarkable Resilience

Tawny is still waiting for her forever home. At approximately two years old, she is a little less thin these days but still has very long, lithe legs. Unsurprisingly, she is a good climber and being a youngster is also fairly active and very playful – she loves dangly string toys. A garden to explore in her new home would be ideal.

Though she was initially a little shy after her rescue, Tawny has become increasingly confident around people in foster care. She’s friendly, gentle and sweet, tolerating being picked up and giving little gentle nose bumps to her human companions. She loves to be stroked and to be played with, she loves treats and meal times, and has huge amber eyes.

A Loving Home Awaits

Tawny is an easy cat to love, and CatCuddles is hoping she will find someone to love her very soon, and for the rest of her days. A happy home is long overdue for this beautiful feline.

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