The fierce rescue of a cat in a terrible condition

by Hanze Filo

Rescuers rescued Eggy the cat thanks to local attention

Eggy had been a concern for residents of Eglington Hill in Plumstead for some time. He was visibly unwell but wary and difficult to approach. Though he wouldn’t allow anyone to touch him, on some nights he would sleep in the front garden of a local family, who set up a weatherproofed cat carrier as shelter for him.

After being alerted to Eggy’s plight through social media posts and direct contact from a member of the public, Catcuddles got in touch with the family and were able to collect Eggy in his improvised shelter, taking him straight to their collaborating veterinarian.

The stray cat shocked with its terrible medical conditions

The full extent of Eggy’s condition was a huge shock. He was in such poor shape that volunteers believed him to be at least ten years old, only to discover from examining his teeth that he was actually only around eight. He was filthy, drastically underweight for his size, flea-ridden, with cat flu symptoms, and he laid listless and unresponsive in his carrier when the volunteers collected him. But this was not the worst of it.

Eggy was also bleeding profusely from the ears, which were, for lack of a better term, “shredded”. Due to a combination of ear mites, a flea allergy and accumulated dirt, Eggy had scratched his ears until they were a mass of swollen, infected scar tissue and open wounds.

Eggy cowered throughout his veterinary examination, hiding under a blanket; he had the air of a cat who had given up. He was given parasite treatment, antibiotics, and a cone to prevent further damage to his ears, which will need to be cleaned daily in a somewhat grueling regime by Catcuddles’ volunteers. Since they had never seen a cat in such an awful condition so young, Eggy was also given blood tests to rule out other issues, and will be neutered once his health is more stable.

The poor stray cat gradually recovered thanks to the dedicated care of the veterinarian and rescuers

The cost of Eggy’s treatments have begun to mount, and will be in addition to standard care costs like vaccinations, microchipping, food and litter, which will be greater for him as many weeks of work are needed before he is healthy enough for adoption. This is why Catcuddles is fundraising for Eggy’s care costs as a priority, and looking at tackling their daunting vet bill next.

Today, Eggy purred for one of Catcuddles’ volunteers, as they gently cleaned dirt and discharge from his face, ears, and his poor, fragile body. There is a lot of hope for him; Catcuddles can’t change how his story began, but they can make sure it has a happy ending – with the help of supporters.

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