An abandoned stray cat with an unusual face was rescued and restored to health

by Hanze Filo

Discovered and rescued an abandoned cat with a tumor on its face

A local woman encountered a friendly black and white stray cat with an obvious facial deformity during her daily commute. The cat had a large, bulbous growth protruding from its bottom jaw. Worried about the cat’s condition, the woman immediately took action by posting on local groups and contacting Catcuddles, a London-based cat charity.

Despite being at capacity for foster placements at the time, Catcuddles agreed to accept the cat into their care and treat him at their new North London veterinary clinic. Unfortunately, initial searches by both the original finder and Catcuddles’ volunteers were unsuccessful in locating the cat. However, it was soon discovered that the cat belonged to a local business.

In this particular area, Catcuddles had previously encountered issues with businesses obtaining cats as a means of vermin control, but failing to properly care for or neuter them. With limited legal powers to intervene in such cases, the charity could only offer advice, veterinary assistance, and the option of rehoming. Fortunately, the owners agreed to surrender the sociable black and white cat to Catcuddles.

The cat was treated, cared for, and found its forever home

Now named Hodge, the cat underwent immediate veterinary investigation into the cause of his large facial growth. The team was relieved to learn that a biopsy revealed no cancerous cells – the worst-case scenario they had feared. Instead, the swelling was found to be the result of a severe infection caused by aggressive, deeply rooted bacteria. Hodge was promptly placed on antibiotics, and surgery was scheduled to remove the lump and eliminate the infection.

Hodge quickly became a favorite with Catcuddles’ volunteer team. He was described as an incredibly lovely, sociable, outgoing, and gentle cat with a ferocious appetite. As the weeks went by, the antibiotics caused Hodge’s growth to shrink substantially, making the planned surgery unnecessary.

At present, Hodge’s facial growth is almost invisible, though some residual tissue may remain. This does not seem to bother the happy, affectionate cat, who is now ready to find his forever home. Catcuddles is looking for a safe, indoor-outdoor home for Hodge, with owners who can provide him with the attention, affection, and occasional treats he craves.

And happily, Hodge has been adopted and is settling into his warm forever home.

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