The man discovered the mystery of the meowing sound in the kitchen in the morning

by Hanze Filo

Sleepy Man Discovers Kitten Stuck in Stove Hood

Early one morning in Fullerton, California, a man found himself abruptly roused from his sleep by his wife telling him their stove was making meowing noises.

“My wife had woken up to the sound of meowing at about 4:45am and initially thought it was coming from outside,” Chris Wilson told Newsweek. “But after searching around for a few minutes she realized it was coming from inside the house, and was able to pinpoint it to our stove hood. That’s when she woke me up.”

Family rescues kitten stuck in kitchen

Rather than being frightened, Wilson described the situation as “more comical and confusing, like how did we get a cat stuck in our house?” He immediately set to work trying to free the trapped feline, first disassembling the stove hood but unable to reach the cat. He then checked the attic, but still couldn’t locate the animal.

A photo taken looking up into the hood confirmed their suspicion – a kitten had somehow made its way inside and was refusing to come out. With school runs and other responsibilities, Wilson had to leave the hood open in the hopes the cat would emerge on its own. By the afternoon, the tuna he had placed near the vent finally lured the kitten far enough out for Wilson to pull it to safety.

The 6-week-old kitten, now named Stovetop, has found a new loving home with the Wilson family. Though they are unsure exactly how the curious cat ended up inside the stove, Wilson speculates it likely climbed through the vent that leads from the hood to the roof.

Family adopts lost kitten found in kitchen

“We are keeping him,” Wilson confirmed. “The vet says he’s about 6 weeks old. We named him Stovetop. My wife and daughters are in love with him.”

This stray cat’s fortunate encounter with the Wilsons is a heartwarming reminder that even in the most unexpected of circumstances, abandoned animals can find a second chance at a happy life.

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