A kitten’s fight for life after allegedly suffocating in a plastic bag

by Hanze Filo

In a heartbreaking incident, a tiny kitten was left in a dire condition after being allegedly suffocated in a plastic bag. The shocking case was shared on TikTok by user @cypresshousekittenrescue, showing the kitten named Griffin receiving urgent treatment.

According to the foster carer, Lisa Jacobson, the 45-year-old who took in Griffin, the kitten was “still showing neurological issues but he’s strong” after his “first day of recovering from being suffocated in a plastic bag by a boy.”

Jacobson, who runs a kitten rescue in Minnesota specializing in neonatal and special needs animals, said she was contacted by a local Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) group to take in Griffin as other rescues were full or concerned about the resources required. “I said yes, regardless of cost he deserves a chance to thrive just as every other kitten entering rescues,” she explained.

When Jacobson first took in Griffin, “he cried constantly,” and she cried with him. “He was no threat to anyone and I couldn’t understand how someone could intentionally hurt an innocent animal,” she said. “He’s so young he couldn’t even survive on his own.”

Noticing Griffin’s neurological issues, Jacobson consulted a vet, who advised using an incubator to allow his brain and body to rest. However, Griffin’s health soon began to deteriorate, prompting Jacobson to quickly transfer him to a rescue better equipped to treat him.

Tragically, Griffin wasn’t the only kitten affected, as Jacobson said nine other kittens were “intentionally spread around a park as ‘coyote snacks'” from the same area where Griffin was found.

Jacobson has been to the police multiple times about the cruelty Griffin suffered, but with no success. “My whole goal of sharing was to raise awareness that animal abuse is in all of our backyards,” she told Newsweek. “I encourage everyone to say something if they see something. Animals can’t speak and we need to all be their voices.”

The horrific case highlights the urgent need to address animal cruelty and ensure the protection of vulnerable creatures. Jacobson’s efforts to save Griffin and raise awareness are a testament to the compassion and determination required to tackle this pervasive issue.

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