A woman got more than she bargained for in her Texas apartment: a stray black cat

by Hanze Filo

When a Texas woman moved into her new $2,000-per-month apartment, she got more than she bargained for – a furry squatter had already taken up residence. TikTok user @myraj2019 shared the surprising discovery on social media, leaving viewers equally amused and bewildered.

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After hearing strange noises coming from within her new place, the woman traced the sounds to a ceiling vent. To her astonishment, two glowing cat eyes were peering back at her from the vent. A black cat had apparently made itself at home in the apartment’s air ducts, becoming an unexpected roommate.

“Who would’ve thought a monthly rent of $2,000 would come with a new pet?” the video’s caption quipped. The woman tried to coax the cat, named Ventavion, out of the vent, but the feline was not about to relinquish its hidden abode without a fight, scratching the tenant when she reached in.

Unsure of the cat’s health status, the woman wisely decided not to force the issue. She contacted the building’s front office and animal control about the situation. In a follow-up video, she revealed that Ventavion was not actually stuck, but had been freely moving in and out through a small hole.

Texas woman’s encounter with her feline roommate

Eventually, the cat did fall from the vent, cowering behind the refrigerator. The tenant tried to win the animal’s trust, hoping to keep it, but when she took it outside, it seized the opportunity to escape and was never seen again. The woman took the experience as a sign that it was time to adopt a cat of her own as she moved to a new apartment.

Commenters on the viral TikTok video were both amused and impressed by the cat’s brazen living arrangement. Many joked that the “pet deposit” was already covered, while others were just relieved it wasn’t a more unsavory creature like a snake or raccoon. This unexpected tenant proves that sometimes the unexpected perks of apartment living can be the most memorable.

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