Stray kittens are helped by firefighters at the South Carolina Fire Station

by Hanze Filo

A litter of kittens skipped the traditional tree-dwelling and instead made their way straight to a group of firefighters in South Carolina.

A routine firefighter check turns into an animal rescue

According to a March 26 Facebook post from the Myrtle Beach Fire Department, a shift of firefighters at Station 3 made an unexpected “early morning animal rescue” right at their own station. “While conducting their routine equipment check, 4 newborn kittens were found cuddled up in the hose bed of Engine 3,” the post continued.

The fire department shared photos of the tiny kitten quartet, including a shot of where the little litter was discovered – nestled amidst the fire hoses. Other images show smiling firefighters gently holding the kittens, whose eyes are still closed, indicating they are likely just a few days old.

Kittens have shelter and receive dedicated care

After the firefighters found the baby felines, they “safely transported” the kittens to a local animal shelter, where “they’ll receive the care they need,” the fire department’s Facebook post added. The agency noted that the firefighters haven’t spotted the mother cat yet, but are keeping “an eye out for her.”

Firefighters are no strangers to animal rescues. Just last year, an Oregon firefighter adopted a puppy he helped save from a house fire. The 16-pound pup, now named Smoky, ended up at the South Coast Humane Society after the blaze, where he received intensive care and treatment for burns before being adopted by the firefighter.

Now, the Myrtle Beach firefighters are hoping to find the stray kittens’ mom, while ensuring the newborns get the care they need at the animal shelter until a permanent home can be found.

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